Many of us do our first cardiovascular physical activity on an empty stomach, following the following protocol: get up; drink coffee and some type of specific supplement; doing physical activity in the form of low-intensity cardio, like biking or walking at 65% or less of our maximum heart rate, what we typically call fasted cardio.

Is it good to train on an empty stomach? Get energized "without eating" before training, by Xisco Serra - Great I Am

I don't know anyone who does weight training on an empty stomach, but sometimes there are people, even professional athletes who, due to their schedule and/or convenience, train first thing in the morning and do so without having had a solid meal, But that doesn't mean it's an empty stomach.

Arriving at the gym and preparing a pre-workout drink is something very common, logical and convenient in these cases to drink before and during training.
This drink typically contains:
– A portion of carbohydrates, for example, 30-50g (depending on your needs and goals),
– Essential amino acids in powder form,
– Creatine, etc…
Dilute it in approximately 1 liter of water and take the first part (1/3, for example) 10-15 minutes before starting the warm-up and the rest during the training session, in sips, between sets.

Notice here that…

1) No solid food was eaten.
2) You don’t need to get up earlier to allow food to digest
3) And then allow yourself to drink your post-workout shake and start the day with your first solid meal after training.

Is it good to train on an empty stomach? Get energized "without eating" before training, by Xisco Serra - Great I Am

It is an increasingly common and recommended strategy. If this is your case, and it suits you to train early in the morning, it is worth trying this way and obtaining the indicated benefit, BUT bear in mind that this protocol is not training on an empty stomach but rather training without having had a solid meal, what is different.

Is it good to train on an empty stomach? Get energized "without eating" before training, by Xisco Serra - Great I Am


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