Sports Nutrition, within all fitness topics, continues to be the one where there are the most misperceptions and divergent opinions regarding FACTS. Therefore, we spoke to some experts and we will definitively answer 5 of the most popular questions about your sports diet.


“After all, HOW MUCH do I need to eat?”

Great I Am 5 Common Sports Nutrition Questions ANSWERED!

Most people burn between 1400 and 1800 calories a day just to exist, to fulfill the basic functions of the human body. Furthermore, athletes need additional calories to support the energy expenditure of training. These can range from a few hundred to a few thousand, depending on the volume of physical load the athlete has.


Do I really need Recovery Sports Nutrition?

Great I Am 5 Common Sports Nutrition Questions ANSWERED!

Yes and no. For athletes who are training twice a day, or with a very high training volume, Sports Nutrition recommends eating a good balance between proteins and carbohydrates in the 30 minutes following training. For athletes who do more spaced out training sessions, with around 24 hours between them, the need for this food is not as great. Just maintain a balanced diet.


Are there diets that are “better” than others?

Great I Am 5 Common Sports Nutrition Questions ANSWERED!

The best diet is the one that works for you. For most people it’s not even considered a “diet” it’s just a balanced way of eating with few processed foods and a wide variety of foods. Sports Nutrition does not have to be a big deal.


Do I really need supplementation?

Great I Am 5 Common Sports Nutrition Questions ANSWERED!

Possibly. Most of your nutrients and vitamins MUST come from a balanced and varied diet. However, athletes need some of these supplementation compounds than other people and this can be difficult to obtain with just a good diet. If, on top of that, you follow a diet that excludes one or more food groups (vegan, vegetarian, keto) then Sports Nutrition tells us that you will probably need certain nutrients and vitamins through supplements.


What should I eat to get abs?

Great I Am 5 Common Sports Nutrition Questions ANSWERED!

Sports Nutrition isn't that complicated... but the body you want is mainly worked in the kitchen. Training makes you stronger and faster, but your diet makes you leaner and contributes much more to your goals. Avoid junk food, eat diversified and well instead of eating less. There is no big secret.

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