wash sports clothes

Going to the gym or even training outside can result in sweaty sportswear with an odor that not even you can stand! Because they are more delicate clothes, usually with mixed compositions and more eccentric colors or patterns, sports clothes require extra care.

How to properly wash sports clothes?

great i am wash sports clothes

Knowing how to wash sports clothing will extend the life of the items, you will be able to wear them longer and understand when a brand actually has quality and durability.
Read the top 5 tips to keep your clothes impeccable for longer.

We have selected 5 useful tips on how to wash sports clothes without damaging them and to extend their usage time.

1) Wash sports clothes immediately after training

Sweaty training clothes? The best thing is to wash it immediately. This is the best way to prevent stains and odors from entering the fabrics.

“But I don’t go home after training.”

In this case, it's best to find a way to extend them or if that's not possible, open the training bag to let them air out... please never leave them in a plastic bag. Air circulation will reduce humidity and therefore less bacteria will develop which equals less smells.

2) Wash inside out and with similar colors

When taking care of your training clothes, the ideal is to wash them inside out. This makes it easier to eliminate accumulated bacteria, as well as yellowish stains caused by sweat. Furthermore, this also helps protect the color of the pieces.

3) Water temperature

Sportswear has a lot of elastic and elastic doesn't like hot water. So if you want your clothes to last longer, never use temperatures above 30 degrees. Colors also don't like very hot water... Oh, and cotton doesn't either!

4) Avoid the dryer

If you can, don't use a dryer! Dryers can be saviors, but our experience with thousands of customers tells us that many end up returning to buy items they had already purchased before, why? “The dryer ruined the clothes I loved.”
The ideal is to dry naturally in the shade, you can avoid the sun – this is because excessive heat damages the fibers of the fabric used in these types of clothing.

5) Reuse your pieces

We left it for last but it is no less important.
There are pieces, like baggy shorts that don't always keep you sweaty, you can perfectly reuse them in the next training session. In the case of tight-fitting pieces, such as sports bras ou women's leggings You should wash these immediately to avoid what we said before. You will save the item and the environment will thank you.

Quality sportswear can withstand some abuse, but even that won't last forever, so every piece Great I Am They carry washing instructions and high-quality raw materials on the label.

Choosing clothes with quality raw materials (preferably Made in Portugal) is the right way to make them last longer. Even today we see clients train with caveadas 4 or 5 years old and they are practically like new!

“But I don’t know the raw materials of the pieces or brands I buy” - Then You can read the testimonials of those who have already purchased, it’s the best advice we can give you!

When in doubt, opt for quality, opt for Great I Am.

One thought on "Do you know how to wash sports clothes? Infallible tips!"

  1. Sergio says:

    “But I don’t go home after training.”
    It seemed like I was reading my mind after reading the first point! Excellent tips!

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