Your day only has 24 hours, and if you want to work, eat, rest, train and watch TV, it may seem impossible. One of the two, either give up some things or add some things and have even more fun! Here we give you some tips for watching some of the best series ever and training at the same time!


1 Breaking Bad

Impossible scenarios? How to exercise while watching series - Great I Am











1 minute plank: Whenever Jesse says “Bitch”, which is almost his signature, you do a 1 minute plank… maybe it costs less if you do it facing the TV

20 Step-ups: whenever Walter White uses tricky science to get himself out of sticky situations. (use a chair if you don’t have a box at hand)

20 mountain climbers: whenever you see a lot of money


2 Friends


20 jumping jacks: Whenever a character says something and the camera cuts to someone reacting without words, just with facial expressions

20 sit-ups: Whenever Joey says “how you doin'?”… classic

20 lunges: Whenever Ross and Rachel almost get involved, really get involved, start dating or break up


3 game of Thrones

Impossible scenarios? How to exercise while watching series - Great I Am















20 crunches: whenever a mythical creature appears or is mentioned!

20 push-ups: whenever you confuse characters... and believe me it's not difficult. There are really many!

10 burpees: whenever an important character dies... I don't think we need to say anything else


4. The Walking Dead

Impossible scenarios? How to exercise while watching series - Great I Am













20 jumping jacks: Every time a zombie dies... it seems like you'll become a “cardio machine”

20 push-ups: Whenever a zombie takes someone by surprise

10 burpees: Whenever an important character dies



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