Obesity is a growing problem in many parts of the world, with rates of overweight and obese individuals rising steadily over the past few decades. According to the World Health Organization, more than 650 million adults were obese in 2016, and this number is expected to continue to rise. Obesity is not just an issue of appearance, but a serious health concern that can lead to a number of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. In this article, we will explore the causes and consequences of obesity, as well as potential solutions to combat this epidemic with Miguel Angel Paredes, sports and nutritional doctor.

The Obesity Epidemic: Let's understand the causes and consequences - Great I Am

What is obesity?
According to international health organizations, obesity is defined as a BMI > 30. BMI is an indicator, without entering into the debate about its obsolescence, that relates weight to height. It is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the square of the height in meters (kg/m2).

What causes obesity?
In general, the first step towards obesity is an energy imbalance between the calories we burn and the calories we consume. Factors that influence this process include decreased physical activity and increased consumption of high-calorie foods.

How does this affect us?
• Arterial hypertension.
• Diabetes.
• Dyslipidemia: high triglycerides, high LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and low HDL (“good” cholesterol).
• Coronary artery disease: The vessels that supply the myocardium are affected and events such as heart attacks or angina can occur.
• Stroke, cerebrovascular accident.
• Fatty liver disease.
• Osteoarthritis: degenerative disease that affects the joints.
• Sleep apnea.
• Problems during pregnancy: gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure that affects both the health of the mother and the fetus).
• Cancer: endometrial (2 to 4 times more), adenocarcinoma of the esophagus (x2), liver, kidney, colorectal…
• Depression, anxiety and other mental disorders.

How to avoid or reduce obesity?
The great facet of this disease is both prevention and our ability to reverse it, we must add that it is never easy to change habits, especially when we include diet and physical activity as the essential pillars on which we must influence.

In terms of diet:
• Reduction of of foods rich in calories, such as fats and sugars.
• Increase the consumption of fruit, vegetables, fish, nuts, whole grains, etc.
• O meal planning increases the likelihood of adherence to the diet. It also helps us to follow certain guidelines when shopping, avoiding having these types of products at home, which we must keep away from us, so as not to feel tempted to consume plastic food.

Regarding physical activity:
• Aerobic activity and strength training.
• It is important to remember that increasing muscle mass increases our basal metabolism.

The Obesity Epidemic: Let's understand the causes and consequences - Great I Am



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