With every scroll on Instagram do you see “fit” superhumans with the body that you also want but that always seems impossible to achieve? Well, it's time to adopt some of these habits for yourself, too! It's not enough to just go to the gym every now and then.

7 Fit Habits That YOU Should Also Have - Great I Am

1. Find your “Gang”

Having trusted friends and a stable group to go to the gym with and accompany you in training, as well as a group that motivates each other can be the crown jewel of your training. They make the most boring workouts intense physical exercise sessions.

7 Fit Habits That YOU Should Also Have - Great I Am

2. Define and celebrate your goals

Even the fittest among us sometimes need a little extra motivation. Nothing will light that flame faster than a goal accomplished! So, mark them, define them, schedule them and you will see that it is easier to give everything to fulfill them. And above all, be realistic.

7 Fit Habits That YOU Should Also Have - Great I Am

3. REST!

Just as important as going to the gym to give it your all is knowing when to rest. There is a line that separates the development that training gives your body from the moment it starts to harm it. Resting well and for the appropriate amount of time allows your bones, muscles and tendons to rebuild after the wear and tear they suffer during training.

7 Fit Habits That YOU Should Also Have - Great I Am

4. Mix and experiment

We are creatures of habit, it's true. Sometimes we find ourselves stuck with the same training plan for months on end. But there are many advantages to trying new exercises and types of training. This way, you can do some things that will rest your most used muscles and work others that you don't use as much. You can also break the stagnation in your weight loss or growth and prevent injuries.

7 Fit Habits That YOU Should Also Have - Great I Am

5. Never miss a Monday

There are exceptions to all the rules but most of the “fit people” you follow guarantee that they train on Mondays. It can be difficult to break the psychological barrier of the weekend and start over with a bang. Therefore, it is important that you “force” yourself to break this barrier so that the rest of the week goes as smoothly as possible.

7 Fit Habits That YOU Should Also Have - Great I Am

6. Go to sleep, it's time

In addition to it being important to sleep enough hours to keep you physically and mentally healthy, getting enough sleep prevents you from having food cravings and compulsions. Namely, in terms of foods rich in sugar and saturated fats and increased appetite.

7 Fit Habits That YOU Should Also Have - Great I Am

7. Eat breakfast. Ever!

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” You've heard that, right? It is true. It is important that you start the day with a balanced breakfast. Skipping the first meal of the day can cause you to have some food cravings and make it harder to avoid eating that cake with cream that's staring at you.


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