Do you feel like there are things that could be even better in your progress and weight loss? Pay attention to these tips for losing weight at night


1. Reduce sodium at dinner!

5 Things That Promote Weight Loss at Night - Great I Am

If you want to wake up feeling less bloated, avoid salty foods at night. Salt stays in your system overnight and when you wake up, you may be more bloated than normal. Try some cooked vegetables and lean protein, always with little salt!


2. Exercise at night

5 Things That Promote Weight Loss at Night - Great I Am

We all know that training makes you lose weight, however, you may think that training at night can keep you awake and cause insomnia. Fortunately, this is nothing more than a myth. There are even studies that indicate that around 60% of people sleep better after training.


3. Prepare meals for the next day

5 Things That Promote Weight Loss at Night - Great I Am

On average, a restaurant meal contains twice as many calories as a home-cooked meal. This means it has even more than the desirable calories for lunch if you're trying to lose weight. And you might ask, “Who has time to prepare meals in the morning, before going out?” Prepare them the night before and save yourself a “diet ruin” the next day!


4. Drink Plenty of Water

5 Things That Promote Weight Loss at Night - Great I Am

Water basically flushes your system, which helps flush out liquids you may be retaining. But, since you probably don't want to spend the night running to the bathroom, try to stop drinking water an hour before bed.


5. Make sure your room is dark enough

5 Things That Promote Weight Loss at Night - Great I Am

The hormone Melatonin can help your body burn more fat and, as your body produces more Melatonin when you are in dark environments, try to ensure that there is as little light as possible in your room when you go to sleep.


6. Lower the temperature when you go to sleep

5 Things That Promote Weight Loss at Night - Great I Am

The idea of ​​burning calories while sleeping sounds too good to be true. However, it has been proven that people who sleep in rooms with lower temperatures burn 7% more calories than others. It is true that 7% is not a value that changes lives, but it doesn't hurt to try.


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